Baptism at Ss Philip & James

Baptism, also known as Christening, is the ceremony of initiation into the Christian faith. Through baptism, an adult or child takes the faith of the Church through their symbolic sharing of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Are you an adult wishing to become a new Christian? Are you a parent wanting to set your child into the life and pattern of the Christian faith? Please read the document by pressing the 'Being Baptised ...' button, as it will guide your early thoughts.
If the answer to this is 'yes', then we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact the the Parish Office on 0208 898 2694. Once you have spoken to the Parish Office, please download and complete the form using the link.
Admission of Children to Holy Communion
In 2014, the PCC re-affirmed its desire to admit children to Holy Communion in line with the recommendation of the House of Bishops. Whilst there isn't a specified 'lower age' limit, it is likely that children below the age of 7 (Key Stage 2) would not understand what this important step means for them, although we would consider any request from them or their parents/carers. If you wish to know more, please contact the Vicar or to apply, please print off the appropriate document and return it to the Parish Office
Although Baptism is recognised as the sufficient and complete means of entry into the Church, it has increasingly become a ceremony of early childhood for many. Confirmation, by a Bishop, is the way that candidates can affirm for themselves the vows made for them as babies or children. It is a process that, historically, demands a certain level of learning in advance of the ceremony so candidates are asked to follow a short course beforehand. If you are interested in being Confirmed, please speak to Fr David in the first instance.