Getting Married at Ss Philip & James

If you are planning your marriage ceremony and wedding day, we congratulate you.
We pray for God's blessing on all your planning as well as your married life together.
There are lots of things to think about when planning your wedding, and we are here to help, so do not hesitate to contact us.
The Church of England enjoys the historic legal right to register marriages in its churches, with its priests entrusted with the role of Registrar on behalf of the Crown. This part of our work is particularly special and joyful for us.
In order to provide material and ideas for the service, as well as other legal information and direction, we have provided a link to the Church of England's website. You will find many helpful and useful things there. Please follow this link to
Arranging your Marriage with us
We recommend that you contact us to book dates and set the processes in motion before moving on to booking reception venues and the many other things that depend on getting the wedding date set first.
To make initial contact, please use the contact form below or ring the Parish Office on 020 8898 2694.