Worship & Music
Ss Philip & James Parish Church stands as a symbol and focus of the presence of God in our community and is served by a team of people who work and worship in this place.
At the heart of life of Ss Philip & James is the daily pattern of prayer and worship. This daily rhythm of prayer forms the framework of all that we do and all that we are.
Music is integral to the worshipping life of the parish church. The Choir, made up of volunteers from the wider worshipping community, usually sings at the Sunday Parish Eucharist as well as other seasonal services.
Built in 1862, we continue to share in the ministry of the Bishops of London and Kensington and the Diocese of London and in the wider mission of the Church throughout the world. whitton church whitton church whitton church
In the 21st century we present a place of refreshment and encounter in which Church and Community meet to celebrate our common history and discern the kingdom of God within the changing horizons of this World City of which we are a small but important part.
Using our God-given skills we strive for future generations to preserve the inheritance of worship, teaching, music making and hospitality for the whole of Whitton to whom we are called to serve.
Valuing the inheritance of those who worked hard to build and maintain this stunning church in our unusually beautiful setting we are committed to ensuring that Ss Philip & James Church is a church for all people, open and welcoming when they need us.
Following the example set by Christ, we are a proud child-friendly parish community, with younger worshippers welcome at all services. We regard them as a blessing to our worship, and not noisy nuisances to be kept quiet.
We welcome all who visit this House of God